This is a very traditional, authentic pachadi which mainly belongs to Southern Andhra. The main ingredients are dosakai and raw chintakai thokku (tender tamarind crushed on rock with turneric powder and salt). Not many people know this recipe, even I was not aware of this as I belong to Northern Andhra (Vizag). My mother-in-law is here and taught me this unique, tasty and interesting pachadi. She brought chintakai thokku from India and we mainly use it for chintakai pachadi and pacchi dosakai pachadi too. I am sure you will also try this pachadi for its out of the world taste!
There are many more of my MIL's recipes to be blogged, you will soon see them in my upcoming posts.
There are many more of my MIL's recipes to be blogged, you will soon see them in my upcoming posts.
Source: My Mother-in-Law
Cuisine: South Indian, Andhra
Preparation time:10 mins
Cooking time: 7 mins
Serves: 4-5 people
1 medium size dosakai (melon cucumber) weighs about 350gms
10 green chillies, cut lenghtwise (you can reduce as per your spice level)
1 tsp dhaniya (coriander seeds)
1 tsp jeera (cumin seeds)
Handful of toasted peanuts, peeled
3 tbsps of chintakai thokku
1 tbsp of cilantro, chopped
Salt as per taste
1tsp of oil
for tempering/tadka:
1 tsp of mustard seeds
few curry leaves
a pinch of asafeotida
1 tsp of oil

ingredients for the pachadi
Method:- Peel the dosakai (melon cucumber), deseed and chop into very small and thin pieces or cubes.
- Heat the oil and add green chillies, saute it till cooked and be sure not to burn them.
- To this add dhaniya (coriander seeds) and jeera (cumin seeds) and fry for a min, cool and keep aside
- First grind roasted peanuts and add the chillies, chintakai thokku, cilantro, salt and just grind coarsely so that all ingredients are mixed well.
- Mix this with dosakai pieces and keep aside.
- For tempering heat a tsp of oil, add mustard seeds let them splutter, add curry leaves and fry for a few seconds on low heat.
- Lastly add a pinch of hing/ asaefotida and pour the tempering on the pachadi, mix well and serve with hot rice.

Pachi dosakai-chintakai pachadi served with hot rice
For tender tamarind thokku/chintakai thokku:
Chintakai thokku/ crushed tender tamarind

Looong name!!:D
Sounds like a great recipe.Enjoy Padma.That plate looks good:))
Hi Padma, came over from Jugalbandi! I'm from Southern AP but never heard of the tamarind addition to this dosakai pachadi. You have a nice blog!
Thanks Asha...its really a very traditional recipe in my family...cant beat this tangy tamarind falvour with spicy chillies and juicy dosakai
Thanks Sra, for visiting my blog...really nice to see here and know about you through MEME...nice post
Hi padma, Welcome to the blogging world. You have a nice blog and lot of interesting receipes. All the best and keep it up. Will sure try your receipes and waiting for new ones.
thanks for dropping by, padma. you have a wonderful blog. we have added you to the blogroll.
Thanks Athika for a warm welcome note. If you try any of my recipe LMK how they tasted...nice to see u here.
Thanks Bee for including me on your list, feels great!
I love dosakai. I just learnt one tyoe of pachidi from Cooking At Home With Pedatha.
I rarely find raw tamarind here. Can you suggest an alternative?
Hi Padma! thanks for dropping by my blog! you have a very nice blog here. the pachadi looks very delicious!
Hi Padma, You have a great blog here. Pachadi looks delicious.
Great looking food, Padma. ^_^
I love Indian cuisine. Have succeeded in making a kind of roti paratha which Malaysians call roti canai.
hi padma garu this is my first visit to ur blog it is having many yummy recipies....nice pics too....luved ur blog n from now on i'll be a frequent visitor to ur blog..btw am from tia n my name is archana.....
hey, nice pachadi. I love chintakaya pachadi but this version is new!!
Suganya dear I am so sorry to say that nothing can replace the tender tamarind thokku in this pachadi,hope you got my mail on different alternative, though!
Thanks Roopa for your compliments, it really acts like a vitamin for me and keeps me on the move
Thanks for stopping by taste of mysore, your yellow water melon punch is out of this world, nice entry for AFAM-watermelon
Thanks Argus Lou! for stopping by, Nice to meet you, Food really connects everyone, I am happy you tried the rotis/parathas....Do LMK id you wanna try any specific Indian Food, am always here to lend my ear, you can vent on :-)
I am really overwhelmed with so many responses...really feeling on top of the world!
Hi Archana, Nice knowing you...great to meet another tia member here. Yeah I have started recently this blog and very much hope that you will have a good time exploring my kitchen!...thanks
Sharmi thanx ya! yes indeed this pachadi tastes out of this world...
Hi Padma, what a wonderful place you have around here. I am so excited to add you to my blog roll and feeds.
Thanks very much for visiting my blog and your kind comments. See you around and welcome to the crazy but wonderful world of food blogging :)
Padma, I missed out your comment in my replies yesterday, dunno how I managed to do that! Anyway, I notice your profile pic is one of my favourite flowers. At home we have a creeper and I love smelling it! It's been there since I was a child!
I had another look at the photo, I've never seen the white petals but the one I was talking about was the centre flower - we called it jooka malli.
Nice blog there Padma! :) And a very nice authentic recipe as well! I am a fan of south Indian Stuff! :) Lovely presentation. :)
Hi Padma.... u have great blog, with nice recipes, saw ur mail in TIA.... Iam a newbie blogger too... :)
thats one long name but the recipe sounds absolutely divine. first time to ur blog padma and i am in love with the recipes.
This is my first time on your blog....nice collection of recipes.
Thanks Cynthia for a warm welcome. Indeed, its crazy world but totally different experience. Thanks for adding me in +_+
Hey sra, its called Krishna Kamal in Maharashtra and considered as exotic. we had a lesson in botany in XII std and since then this is my favorite flower.
Thanks coffee for stopping bye..you will find more authentic recipes from my kitchen
hi cinnamon, nice meeting you, you too have a very nice blog, I loved those mirchi bhajjis
Hey tx, sia for visiting my blog. Yeah people told me its a very long name but I wanted to spell the same in English so that no one is left behind. You have a very nice blog and that watermelon rind dosas are a innovative way of using the melon.
Thanks Jayashree...mine is not at all collection yet, there are only 7 posts...I must say your collection is superb!
Thanks you all once again from the bottom on my heart for your lovely comments.
Oh wow Padma, That pachadi ( I can't remember the long long name tho') Looks so yummm. I love any kind of pachadi and this recipe has already been bookmarked by me. Thanks buddy and keep up the good work.
Hi Padma, Tried this pachadi. It was good to eat with rice. Blogged it in my blog too. Thanks for the receipe.
Thanks for the recipe Padma..My atta used to make this pachadi..she always used to make pachadis in rolu (hand grinder)..
We don't get chintakai tokku here and I experimented it using Priya pickles Chintakaya pachadi. It has come out good but you know nothing can replace chintakai tokku
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